Flexible robots may overcome the industry's major problems: safe human-robot collaboration and increased load-to-mass ratio. However, oscillations and high dimensional state space complicate the control of flexible robots. This work investigates nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) of flexible robots -- for simultaneous planning and control -- modeled via the rigid finite element method. Although NMPC performs well in simulation, computational complexity prevents its deployment in practice. We show that imitation learning of NMPC with neural networks as function approximator can massively improve the computation time of the controller at the cost of slight performance loss and, more critically, loss of safety guarantees. We leverage a safety filter formulated as a simpler NMPC to recover safety guarantees. Experiments on a simulated three degrees of freedom flexible robot manipulator demonstrate that the average computational time of the proposed safe approximate NMPC controller is 3.6 ms while of the original NMPC is 11.8 ms. Fast and safe approximate NMPC might facilitate the industry's adoption of flexible robots and new solutions for similar problems, e.g., deformable object manipulation and soft robot control.
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Pretrained Transformers achieve state-of-the-art performance in various code-processing tasks but may be too large to be deployed. As software development tools often incorporate modules for various purposes which may potentially use a single instance of the pretrained model, it appears relevant to utilize parameter-efficient fine-tuning for the pretrained models of code. In this work, we test two widely used approaches, adapters and LoRA, which were initially tested on NLP tasks, on four code-processing tasks. We find that though the efficient fine-tuning approaches may achieve comparable or higher performance than the standard, full, fine-tuning in code understanding tasks, they underperform full fine-tuning in code-generative tasks. These results underline the importance of testing efficient fine-tuning approaches on other domains than NLP and motivate future research in efficient fine-tuning for source code.
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肺癌是世界大多数国家的死亡原因。由于提示肿瘤的诊断可以允许肿瘤学家辨别他们的性质,类型和治疗方式,CT扫描图像的肿瘤检测和分割是全球的关键研究领域。本文通过在Lotus DataSet上应用二维离散小波变换(DWT)来接近肺肿瘤分割,以进行更细致的纹理分析,同时将来自相邻CT切片的信息集成到馈送到深度监督的多路仓模型之前。在训练网络的同时,学习速率,衰减和优化算法的变化导致了不同的骰子共同效率,其详细统计数据已经包含在本文中。我们还讨论了此数据集中的挑战以及我们选择如何克服它们。本质上,本研究旨在通过试验多个适当的网络来最大化从二维CT扫描切片预测肿瘤区域的成功率,导致骰子共同效率为0.8472。
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